Thursday, May 14, 2015

Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun | Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun (Anime Review)

Hello my friends! Today I'm going to review one more anime. I finished watching it just now and decided to write the review while the show is fresh in my mind.


Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun

I'll be honest, I was expecting to watch yet another generic and cliché shoujo anime, but the main character was so cute I decided to watch it anyway. 
It started with a scene in high school: sunset, a girl who's extremely shy but tries her best to confess to the guy whom she likes. She masters all her courage and ends up telling him "I've always been your fan". And for some reason the guy gives her an autograph (wat)! Then somehow she ends up in this guys home, and it turns out Nozaki-kun is just a clueless guy who's actually a mangaka of a real famous shoujo manga!
In next couple of episodes we get introduced to some more character. We meet a guy named Mikoshiba (Mikorin) who turns out to be the model of the heroine of Nozaki's manga. An adorable character to a certain degree. He's pretty funny too.

I can confidently say that all of the characters are well made, not boring and most importantly funny. We've got Seo, who is a violent girl, but seems to not notice why people tend to be mad with her all the time. She also has an angelic voice, which contradicts with her character.
We've got Kashima. At first pretty much everyone thinks Kashima is a boy, but then they notice her skirt and understand she's a girl. She's a bit of a dense character, but she really lover her senpai, though those feelings make her to stuff that make her senpai be angry with her.
We've got the senpai, Hori. He's the president of the drama club. A cool, honest and talented guy. He is constantly mad with Kashima, but he actually cares about her and maybe has feelings for her somewhere deep inside his heart.

Well aren't these three just cute? :3

Anyway let's jump to cons and pros.

1. Somewhere in the middle the show got a bit boring, and the humour was sort of mediocre too. Felt a bit tryhard.
2. I really like nice scenery scenes in my anime, but this one was mostly in doors. Nonetheless, we get a couple of really pretty scenery scenes:


3. They wrapped up the show in a real cute way in the last episode, but it didn't give away the feeling of being completed. So we need either an ova, or a new season to get answers for a couple of things.

1. Even though this wasn't an anime like Bakuman, where we get introduced to the detailed life of a mangaka, it still managed to portray mangaka's life to a degree: the struggle for ideas, finding inspiration in real life, working with editors, sometimes with good ones, sometimes with terrible ones.
2. Detailed facial expressions. Some of the characters had many changes in their facial expressions and that was animated splendidly. Some were so cute too :3

4. Humour! This anime had many real good jokes which made me laugh out loud. The mood was so light, and gave you a fuzzy fluffy feeling. It made you feel at ease. These two screenshots should sum it up for you:

Well basically, this is one of those anime that made my kokoro go doki-doki, and made my soul feel real warm and cosy. That's one of the things I try to find in anime I watch, but it's sort of rare these days.

I daresay this is a bit of a unique romantic comedy, and it's definitely worth your time! I rate it 7/10.

Once again thanks for reading! See you soon ^_^

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