Sunday, May 17, 2015

A Teddy’s Story

Once upon a time when I was a kid, I came across a teddy bear. It was fluffy and cute, it was too cuddly, lovable and nice, it was everything I had ever needed, but I was afraid to show it to people, because I was scared my parents would scold me for bringing a stray teddy home. So I hid it deep-deep inside my closets.
Years passed on, and once, when I was cleaning my closets I found the teddy again. I wasn’t afraid of showing it to everybody anymore, but I dared not tell anyone it was the most precious thing I’ve ever had acquired. It was something I didn’t even want to admit myself. Nonetheless, I put the teddy in a place everybody could see, next to the rest of my teddy bears and plushes. Sometimes I would tell everyone it was my favourite teddy in the whole bunch, sometimes I would tell them I hated the teddy, other times I would ignore the teddy, and some other times I would even throw it into dirt and yell at it that I’d better never took it home with me. But no matter what, no matter how much I tore it apart, the sweet teddy was always there, it never left my side.
Time went on and day by day I kept growing more and more fond of my precious teddy. And then, one day when I wanted to show my teddy to the whole world, to let them know that it was my everything… it disappeared. I looked for it everywhere, but couldn’t find it no matter how hard I looked. I looked for a long time, but couldn’t find even a single trace of the teddy. It was gone, probably forever.
I am still looking for my teddy. If I am lucky it might return to me on its own. But somewhere deep down in my heart I know I’ll never get to see my teddy again.
But despite losing my sweet teddy, and even if I find a better and newer teddy, my old and worn out teddy will always be my favourite.

Here's another short story I wrote a long time ago. It's not great or anything but I really like it ^_^ Hope you'll like it too!

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